Feeling the burn? A systematic review of burnout in pharmacists
Corresponding Author
Brianna M. McQuade Pharm.D.
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
Brianna M. McQuade, 833 S. Wood St, Chicago IL 60612.
Email: [email protected]
Search for more papers by this authorBrent N. Reed Pharm.D., FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, Maryland
Search for more papers by this authorRobert J. DiDomenico Pharm.D., FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
Search for more papers by this authorWilliam L. Baker Pharm.D., FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, Storrs, Connecticut
Search for more papers by this authorAndrea G. Shipper M.S.L.I.S.
Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
Search for more papers by this authorJennie B. Jarrett Pharm.D., M.Med.Ed, FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Brianna M. McQuade Pharm.D.
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
Brianna M. McQuade, 833 S. Wood St, Chicago IL 60612.
Email: [email protected]
Search for more papers by this authorBrent N. Reed Pharm.D., FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, Maryland
Search for more papers by this authorRobert J. DiDomenico Pharm.D., FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
Search for more papers by this authorWilliam L. Baker Pharm.D., FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, Storrs, Connecticut
Search for more papers by this authorAndrea G. Shipper M.S.L.I.S.
Health Sciences and Human Services Library, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland
Search for more papers by this authorJennie B. Jarrett Pharm.D., M.Med.Ed, FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
Burnout is high among health care professionals. In physicians, burnout is linked to suboptimal well-being and patient care, but the overall landscape of pharmacist burnout is unknown. Synthesis of available data regarding pharmacist burnout is needed to better understand its effects on well-being and professional practice. This systematic review sought to determine the prevalence and intensity of burnout in pharmacists. The aim of the study was the systematic review of articles on pharmacist burnout. PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and PsycINFO were searched for articles through February 13, 2019. Search strategies combined terms for pharmacists and burnout (including job satisfaction, stress, and resilience). The primary outcome was the proportion of pharmacists who met criteria for burnout. Secondary outcomes included the mean scores for Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) subscales, difference between pharmacist practice settings, and factors contributing to burnout. Raw scores and threshold proportions were pooled using a Hartung-Knapp random-effects model. Five articles reported the proportion of high emotional exhaustion (EE) and depersonalization (DP) and low personal accomplishment (PA), and nine articles reported individual MBI subscale scores, which were included for quantitative analysis. The proportion values of pharmacists with MBI subscale scores consistent with burnout were 41% (95% CI 27%-54%), 20% (95% CI 7%-32%), and 32% (95% 14%-50%) for high EE, high DP, and low PA, respectively. Mean MBI subscales scores were 23.53 (95% CI 21.68-25.39), 7.07 (95% CI 6.22-7.92), and 36.51 (95% CI 34.34-38.67) for EE, DP, and PA, respectively. Substantial heterogeneity was observed. The burnout prevalence among pharmacists is lower than previously reported, but notable. The average MBI subscale scores for high EE or DP or low PA in pharmacists did not meet criteria for burnout.
Dr. Jarrett has received funding from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Ambulatory Care Practice and Research Network to evaluate burnout in pharmacists. The remaining authors have nothing to disclose.
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